ÉSAD, in conjunction with the School of Architecture, offers a dual degree program in Architecture (with a focus on urban design) and Aménagement du territoire et développement régional (ATDR), which leads to a Master of Science degree (Architecture) and a Master of ATDR (granting access to the title of urban planner). In addition to two written essays, students produce an urban design project, independently or jointly, which is presented to a jury at the end of the program.
Candidates must hold an undergraduate university bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in architecture or urban planning. Candidates interested in simultaneously pursuing the M. Sc. (Architecture) and M. ATDR must first apply and be accepted to one of the two programs. To pursue the dual degree is then contingent upon the candidate’s meeting the eligibility requirements for the second program. Although many required readings are in English, all classroom lectures and interactions are carried out in French. Students must therefore be fluent or nearly fluent in French. Candidates requiring remedial language courses may be admitted on a case-by-case basis.
Graduates in the dual Master’s program acquire knowledge in urban planning and regional development and urban design. Many pursue careers as consultants or urban planners with an expertise in one aspect of the profession. Completion of the ATDR program also grants graduates the title of urban planner, which is recognized by several provincial, national and international organisations.